Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Productive Afternoon

After court I worked a while and then rested. Then I had a two hour burst of energy and got a lot done, though some of it is anxious energy and I’m not sure why. Salinda came home from school in a decent mood and asked if she could earn money mowing the lawn. Everyone else is fine. Maybe it’s just the overwhelming responsibility of handling things completely alone while Bart is gone.

The kids are making dinner tonight. Spaghetti. It’s a meal that Jimmy and Sadie like to make together and they do a nice job. We are still making it through the week without having to go to the store, which was my goal.

Even though I am getting things done I’m kind of restless and bored. Not sure how I’ll pass the hours before bedtime tonight...

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog for a while and wanted you to know that I think and pray for you often. I pray that Salinda will "see the light" sooner rather than later. Leesa
