Thursday, May 01, 2008

Why I Could Never Do This as a Single Parent

I have tons of respect for single parents of adopted children, especially those who have many and parent them well. But our kids would not survive if it were not for their Dad.

He is the nurturer, the fun one, the one who cooks delicious meals. He is the one who can change a somber tone with joviality, and lighten the mood. He can listen without escalating, be patient when that is what is needed, and jumps in and helps out when I cannot handle my responsibilities.

As I was sitting here at the computer this morning gauging my emotional stability and determined that I just did not have it in me to take Salinda to therapy. I knew it would not go well if I were to go in this mood with so little sleep.

And so I called my husband. And he will take her. And they will be fine. And I will take a nap.

And this is reason #4521 that I need my husband... for days like today...mornings like this morning.

I could never do this alone.

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