Monday, June 23, 2008

And back to the even keel

Sadie has apologized and kept to herself. Salinda didn't apologize, but changed her mood suddenly for no apparent reason. Both girls have been fine since before supper.

We watched Ricardo play again tonight, but I didn't have my camera. And afterwards Bart and I ended the night with another walk.

I am enjoying our walks quite a bit. He often had told me in the past that a good walking partner is a quiet walking partner. But we have enjoyed several good conversations while we have walked lately and it's been nice to be uninterrupted. When we talk in the house we are always followed around and can't have a private conversation. But on our walks we can enjoy some conversations that aren't interrupted.

I seem to be in another slump. I get this way sometimes. Distractible, my mind on other things, not able to concentrate as much as I'd like. each day I hope for it to be better, and some days it is, but a lot of times I'm just not with the program.

The only thing I'm doing right is my fitness and dieting stuff. Now to get the rest of my life in gear....

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