Monday, June 23, 2008

Estrogen Fog

Oh wow. I often describe our home as " testosterone planet" but when both girls are crabby, the estrogen has way more power... Both girls are in quite the mood today. I don't know how people who have a house full of girls handle it. Moody, moody, moody today and the mood is not good.

And of course, they are both in bad moods and of course I'm the reason they are in bad moods. I keep telling myself to breathe deeply and say little, but sometimes parents have to communicate something with their children. And in this case, my existence triggers their anger so I guess I just need to deal with it.

Salinda's habits set me up to fail. She seldom communicates unless she wants something and when she does communicate, I have things I need to tell her. So I begin to do so, which always leads to her being crabby.

And Sadie has had a really good summer up until today, when I showed up 2 and a half minutes late to pick her up. Apparently that is enough for her to be angry with me for an entire day.

So I'm just reminding myself that they will grow up, that I can do anything for a few years, right?

1 comment:

  1. My parents raised four girls (we're within 5 years of each other.)

    Angela :-)
