Friday, June 13, 2008

Any Published Writers out There?

i know there is at least one of you who read my blog who write. Ann, if you are the only one who is interested in this it is worth it.

However, it occurred to me today as I was thinking about it, that all of us who write adoption blogs have great stories to tell and we should all probably be finding a way to get our stories out there -- and in the meantime, we could make a buck or two. Problem is, we don't have time. Maybe we could team up with people who have time -- there are people out there who watch TV and stuff, right -- I mean people with hobbies and free time and stuff -- who could write with/for us. It's just a thought.

Anyway, this website of ebooks is something I discovered today and I'm trying to decide if I am going to buy one or not. I thought about the contest one .... lots of free contests to enter. Might just do that.

Anyone have experience with being published? Anyone have any feedback about these particular ebooks by chance?


  1. Interesting question.

    I have some experience working with a published author; I have done the layout design for New Hampshire author Ruth Doan MacDougall's last 3 novels. One of those was an e-book. Right now one of the major book distributors in the USA (distributors work with bookstores to move books around) is encouraging its author and publisher clients to submit their traditionally-published books with the thought of also getting them out in e-book format soon. Pros and cons to that one!

    Although the author I work with is the traditional type--works with a publisher (she's published 11 novels, including best-sellers)--if you are thinking about self-publishing a book that you're not sure will earn you back what it will cost to get it published I think considering an e-book possibility is a good way to go. The Kindle and similar electronic toys will, I think, eventually create a nice alternate market for intellectual property. And a blog and a website where the books, regardless of format, can be sold can be quite effective in getting the word out about your book. The world's a-changin' in the publishing sphere I think.

  2. Hi Claudia-Thanks for the information! Writing is my "Sarah and Abraham" moment Bart talked about on Sunday. Maybe it's time for me to join your goal-of-the month club! :-)
