Friday, June 13, 2008

Returning from the Store

I invited Tony to join us on our trip the store. He said, 'You NEVER ask me to go!" I said, "I am hoping that you're getting older now and you can do a better job. i want to give you another chance."

He was bad ... but not nearly as bad as sometimes. He did a little begging, and the perpetual arguing, but there were actually some moments where he was helpful and cooperative.

I broke my watch the other day ... just the band... but I always buy cheap watches, which is one of the reasons we went to the store. Expensive ones aren't my thing -- they get too beat up and besides, since when am I about fashion. I'm not wearing a t-shirt this morning because I wanted to see if one of the shirts I bought last summer still fit. It did. The kids are wondering if I have an important meeting and Bart will undoubtedly ask me what is going on. That's how not about fashion I am.

I also had to get cleaning supplies because I'm trying to get started with Fly Lady again and that was one of her challenges. It's kitchen week, so I'm heading down now to do a thorough job of cleaning off counters.

And besides, I have to break up the perpetual argument that is occuring with them. Our oldest son at home, almost 20, cannot seem to ignore a thing his siblings say. And to see him arguing with a 12 year old at their level is fairly annoying.

I'm going to try to control myself.


  1. You should check out Norwex products. No chemical cleaning. :-) I love cleaning now.

    Angela :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
