Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At the end of the day....

Took a walk, came home, tried to medicate Dominyk, and he was literally bouncing off the walls. I have never seen him do it before, but he was making his body bump into one wall and then the other, all the way down the hallway. He was chanting bump, bump, bump, bump as he bounced from one side to the other.

Salinda seems to have rebounded and now is fine.

Lots of PCA hours for Tony today made him a happy camper and the house more peaceful.

RIcardo and Leon are at Mike and Kari's watching an outdoor movie. Rand and Jimmy are at a Moondogs game. Salinda is at her friend's softball game. Quiet night.

Tomorrow I actually have a day at home. Hopefully I'll be able to get much done.

Going to head to bed fairly early so I can get up and be ready for the YMCA in the morning. Continuing to build momentum, more every day...

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