Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Home Again, Home Again, Wherever Home Is

John is safely moved in and seems to be fine. 2 hours of paperwork later, I hugged him and left. As I predicted, the trip was enjoyable and it was a beautiful day to travel.

I think he is a bit apprehensive, as he always is when moved to a new "home."

One thing was interesting. He has been in out of home placements for several years because of his aggression issues. When the director asked him about some of his interests and hobbies, he asked if he knew of a place where he could practice cage fighting or ultimate fighting. He didn't get the irony of that statement.

The group home director tried to suggest that possibly he should just focus on working out and doing strength training for now.



  1. I hope this placement works out for him.

    BTW, I sent you an e-mail with the invite you requested. If there's a better e-mail address I should use, please drop me another e-mail from the correct address and I'll shoot you over another one.

  2. Never know, mixed martial arts might be good for him. I know of alot of guys who used to get into trouble for fighting, but after they got into training and competing in MMA they were able to focus that aggression into a positive format and really turn their life around. MMA really has grown and changed over the years and is now a "respectable" professional sport. Plus the coaches, trainers, and other fighters are in most cases very good influences for young men. I participate in this sport myself and it has done wonders for my conditioning and strength, plus of course the confidence in my self defense skills. Most of the fighters are models of good sportsmanship and comradeship.
