Sunday, June 29, 2008

Calm Before the Storm

It's Sunday morning and in 40 minutes we will walk out the door ready for church.

In 10 minutes I will wake the remaining sleeping children. In the thirty minutes that follow things will get wild around here. There will be some tense moments -- probably some screaming and some anger.

But the nice thing is that we are finally to a point where everyone can handle sitting through church. There are some weeks when Dominyk still struggles, but for the most part, everyone does well. I actually can focus on the music and the sermon.

It's nice to have a Sunday morning where Salinda is being cooperative. She actually asked to leave for church early as she would like to sit by her confirmation mentor and his wife. He is a wonderful older gentleman and that she selected herself and he is a super nice guy.

Well, the calm is over ... let the storm begin.

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