Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunny afternoon at "The Pit"

There is a “lake” in town that people locally refer to as “the Pit.” There is very little supervision here (as in NONE) and so I don’t drop kids off here ever. But they love to fish and swim here, and so sometimes I give in and bring them.

Today it seemed like too perfect of a day not to be outside and so I have my laptop at a picnic table at “the pit.” When I am out of battery, I will sit in the sun and read a compliation of writings by Hmong American writers that Bart checked out of the libary.

I have Dominyk, Ricardo, Leon and Wilson with me adn Bart took Sadie, Tony and Dominyk with him to do laundry. Salinda, still with near perfect behavior all weekend, is staying home, asking at her own initiative to earn some money to pay off her debt. Rand is working.

We have plans to picnic with Mike and Kari later this evening, and then it will be time to pack up Sadie, Dominyk and Bart as they head to 4-5-6th grade church came tomorrow morning for 3 days.

I went to the grocery store after church to shop for the three days while they are gone. $229.00 and much stress later (I had to take Dominyk with me and he begged incessantly) so the only redeeming factor was that I walked about 3,500 steps in the grocery store. I think that I’m getting a little obsessed with this pedometer because in the middle of the night I almost pinned it on my underwear so I wouldn’t have to miss it counting the steps on my two or three middle of the night bathrroom trips.

Other than the wind being a little strong and these flies that keep biting me, this isn’t a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

now I’m going to try to get just a little work done before my battery dies. I figure without the internet to distract me maybe I’ll actually accomplish something. And since I am back to 102 messages in the in box, maybe I can some of that cleaned up and responded to to send when I return home.

1 comment:

  1. obviously i realize these blogs were written a long time ago but whenever i read about your frequent bathroom trips AND then you tried to start drinking 64 oz a day of water... i LOL'd and fully sympathized with the combination=predicament! i am almost 7 months pregnant and it drives me bonkers how im supposed to drink so much water, but yet one 8oz glass usually equals at least 3 bathroom trips, so i cant imagine how much time youre spending in the loo haha
