Monday, June 16, 2008

A Couple Dominyk Stories to End the Day

(because I’m too tired to recount moody Sainda’s night -- she’s fine, but wow is she unpredictable).

This morning we were talking about diagnosis. “What do you think I have?” Tony asked.

“Probably ODD or Conduct Disorder.“

Dominyk pipes in from the back of the van after not listening to any of the conversation, completely serious with this question: ”A Condom Disorder? Tony has a Condom Disorder?“

and tonight he had some leeches left over from fishing tonight that he is going to use tomorrow. I cautioned him from getting his finger too close to the leeches because they would suck his blood and that would hurt.

He starts to whimper. ”Why did you have to go say that?“

”Say what“

”That it would hurt?“

”Well, didn’t you know that leeches such your blood?“

”Yes, I know that they suck out your blood, but you didn’t have to tell me that it would hurt!“

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