Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Adrenaline pumping

My adrenaline was pumping again this morning -- and not just because of my morning workout I returned from the Y to the next chapter of the “visiting ferret” that I have neglected to blog. Salinda agreed to care for a ferret for a friend temporarily that has turned into longer than temporary. It drives the dog crazy and if we had known that temporary meant indefinitely, we would not have agreed.

Last week she moved the ferret to another friend’s house supposedly because that is what the friend wanted, but I’m assuming that the fact that the ferret kept Salinda up at night was the real motivation. So last night sometime apparently the friend got sick of it and instead of putting it in her room she decided it needed to be in the living room. And the dog was going nuts.

So I asked her to move the ferret back into her bedroom, and reminded her that we had never agreed for it to be in the living room. She of course refused. So I had to go in again and remind her that we were not going to spend our day protecting her friend’s ferret from the dog. She burst out of bed like a cannon shot her there and proceeded to mutter and cuss and argue her way to the living room, dragging the cage upstairs and encouraging the dog to bite me.

We’re going to have such a nice day.

My approach to Salinda post is still brewing in my head. My approach until she is through this spell is to try not to provoke her, give her space to think things through and make good choices, and yet to confront her gently about things not acceptable.

And someone delivering a ferret to my living room while I am sleeping and she was supposed to be, is certainly odd.

Maybe there are households where people come and go all night while their parents sleep, but in our house we usually like to know it if someone is in our home ... especially considering some of the choices of friends our kids have had in the past.

I’m going to be taking a couple kids to summer school soon, but will post more later. I’m sure you know that when I say I’ll post more later, I will. And then some more later. And then some more after that. ;-)

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