Saturday, June 28, 2008


My blog entry was supposed to be titled, "It's 10:00 a.m. and nobody has pissed me off yet today."

But I waited to long to blog.

But, maybe I can remember how I felt 37 minutes ago and go back to that spot of good feelings.

I made it to the YMCA again this morning and then came home and showered. Got dressed and came downstairs and, even though Salinda was home and awake and we talked, she didn't get nasty with me. Wow, 3 minutes of positive interraction. I have to document that. Oh wait, I am. ;-)

Sheri commented on my blog today about a dream she had about us. It's hilarious. I had a dream of my own last night.

I was at the Luverne pool (we used to live in Luverne) and the manager of the local pizza joint was working at the pool. While I was in the pool lobby, several different people who didn't belong there (a former boyfriend from 1988 and a woman who was his wife in the dream (but certainly was not his "real life" wife because I know her) and a couple of other people from my past, in addition to some Luverne people. Each one of us came up and said, "Is it true you're moving back here?"

Apparently there was a rumor around town that we were moving back there so that Bart could manage the Sioux Falls Super Walmart. The rumor was that everyone was angry with us here and they were asking Bart to be removed as their pastor. I kept reassuring everyone that this was not going to happen, but they were so caught up in the rumors, that the wouldn't believe me.

So if that rumor is out there, then don't believe it!

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