Friday, June 27, 2008

Hate getting caught up in one thing

I started one project this morning and it is still not done. Bart has decided to take the boys to see Wall-E that they have been looking forward to for weeks and I am going to take Sadie to lunch because she has her Jr. High "Right Start" program all this week and can't go to the movie.

So my project still isn't done and I need to leave soon.

Salinda is still at a friends and Rand is lumbering around... you guessed it.... doing nothing. I let him write out his own work schedule for the week (he is supposed to do some chores in exchange for rent since he's almost twenty) but he is refusing to follow his own schedule, so I guess he'll stay home from the movie and lunch and DO NOTHING.



  1. Get Rand in Job Corps...I think they'll provide housing and job assistance.

  2. Since you have shared dreams with us before, I thought I would let you know I dreamed about you last night. I dreamed that I came to visit you all the way from Indiana just t get a recipe from Bart.

    You all lived in a tinee-tiny house that had only 2 bedroom. Those 2 rooms were fully smashed with beds. The living room consisted of card tables and folding chairs and them a tiny kitchen.

    When I asked about the recipe, you handed me a pen to write down the recipe. It looked like a severed finger but was rubbery. You said, "Isn't it cute? One of Bart's parishioners gave us that. The stationery looks like skin!" We all laughed.

    When I was getting ready to leave, a police officer came by and told me the town was shut down because there were 2 fugitives that escaped from the penitentiary and were hiding on your property. I slept in the large room of mattresses.

    Weird huh? LOL
