Thursday, June 05, 2008

Either I am unforgettable or this is amazing customer service

If you’ve been following my blog for a long time you’ll know that a year ago this past March I came to visit my parents and spent a lot of time at Denny’s because they were the only people in the whole town who had wireless internet. This year the library in town has it, but I discovered, after calling my ISP this morning, that there must have been a firewall at the library. So this afternoon I have returned to Denny’s to see if it would work. And it has.

I shouldn’t have been, but I was surprised to recognize some of the same people working here. And, the manager recognized me. In fact, he remembered what I ORDERED last year, and asked if I needed the special cord to plug in my computer that was in his car -- he said I had used it last year. I found another outlet that had since been repaired.

I am very unmotivated to get work done, unfortunately. I really need to do a couple projects, but I might just spend some time having fun online before I head back to my folks.

Leon and Wilson have taken the annual trek to the trading post that each child takes while here. They have $20 to spend on gifts for each of the kids remaining at home. It’s a mile walk round trip and it gives them something to do. We have played several games and the have watched some videos, but since my parents have cut TV from their lives, the boys are having a hard time keeping entertained.

We leave tomorrow. I always have a great deal of mixed feelings about this trip each year. So many memories, so many emotions.

I’ve been battling saying no to myself about a couple things lately, and have still been winning, but I may just indulge on a not-very-healthy snack. At least that only damages me.

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