Saturday, June 28, 2008

Electronic Stimulation Store

It's raining. We were going to picnic with Mike and Kari but it is cold and they're tired and Bart went to see Kyle in the Cities and so we bailed and said we'd do it anohter time.

So I decided to buy some quiet and went to the Electronic Stimulation Store -- otherwise known as Blockbuster Video, which reminds me of a story that possibly has never been heard by any of my blog readers (besides my dear husband).

When I lived in Mexico I lived in a small house with 8 college students, 1 other missionary, and a college student. We shared one bathroom that you had to walk outside to get to and many days there was no hot water. But I digress.

Once and a while, for a very special treat, i would rent a video for the students to watch. This was a major undertaking because I had to ride with flirtatious taxi drivers through disastrously scary roads in order to get the movie and then return home in equally daunting circumstances.

The first time that I took a taxi to rent a movie, the guy pulled up and I said, "Me puedes llevar a Blockbuster Video" pronouncing my Spanish and my English very well.

He could NOT understand me. I said it again and again Block-bus-ter Vid- e- o.

Finally I explained in Spanish what happened at such a place and he said,

OOOOOOOH . Bloke Booster Bee Day Yo.

Yes, I said. Bloke Booster Bee Day Yo.

And I pronounced it that way for the remainder of my time in Mexico.

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