Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mission Trip Memories...

Last night Bart and I spent some time with a few of the kids. Jimmy had just returned from a MIssion Trip to Inner City Milwaukee. It is interesting to see the things he thinks are important to report. Here are some examples and his view of life. Also interesting to see the kinds of questions that the other kids ask.

Jimmy: I had a meatball sub at Subway Dad.

Bart: Oh yeah, what do you have on it?

Jimmy: Lettuce, cheese, and Cucumbers ... of course.


JImmy: We went to Lake Michigan.

Dominhyk: Did you see any Sea Lamprey?

(I had to google that to even know what it was!)


Jimmy: I had to sleep next to the youth pastor. It was not a good thing.


Jimmy: Dad, Did you know that in Milwaukee the Fire Engines are Green?

Meatball subs, Sea Lampreys, Sleeping Arrangements, and Fire Engines.

Guess the actual Mission of the MIssions Trip kind of got forgotten.

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