Saturday, June 07, 2008

From the Minneapolis airport (but posted later)

Well, we made it this far. Wilson and Leon are finally getting bored enough to be a little naughty, but are easily redirected. Our plane got in early, but that didn’t matter because our luggage got held up. We are taking the 7:00 shuttle...

I will probably not drink my water today -- did you know that pop is a dollar cheaper than water in the airport? And once you come out of baggage claim there are no places to eat except snack shops without going back through security (but you have to have a boarding pass for that). And there is no wireless by the shuttle station.

Salinda needs something so now she is being nice again. Grrr, the moods.

I heard a great quote today on a podcast that reminded me of what I’ve been telling myself.

It’s a new version of the serenity prayer: Lord, give me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change. The courage to change the one I can. And the wisdom to know that it’s me.

That is how I am trying to return home tonight. But it is certainly a struggle. Of course, I feel awfuly whiny as I know that many who read my blog have lives MUCH harder than mine and you probably want to say, “Shut UP already.

Some of you have way more kids than I do. Some of you have spouses that don’t support you. Some of you don’t have spouses (although that might be your preference, but if you could have have mine you’d change your mind. of course, you CAN’T ;-)

Some of you have kids whose issues are tougher than mine and some of you have tougher decisions to make.

I read an article recently, not sure where, about how in college a group of girls used to get together to have a pity party. Each person would share how bad their lives were at the moment and then the person whose live was worse would get an award and would feel good about getting it, while everyone else was just happy knowing their lives weren’t as bad as the person who won. I like to think of our blogs that way sometimes. A virtual pity party where us adoptive parents of tough kids get together to play ”whose life is worse.“ I am confident that i would not win today. And for that, I’m grateful, in a sick sort of way.

So, anyway. I am blogging to post later. Flight was uneventful. I did a lot of note taking and planning, something I like to do when I am away. I didn’t buy a novel -- just wrote and wrote and thought and thought. And that is therapuetic for me.

Now it is time for me to pee one final time. And yes, most of my life centers around my bladder. Can’t you tell?

1 comment:

Ann said...

"Lord, give me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change. The courage to change the one I can. And the wisdom to know that it’s me."

Wow...Claudia. So simple, but so true. I really needed to hear that today.