Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Night that would Never Begin

Bart and I settled down and were in bed by 10:10 last night. We thought we were going to go to sleep. We thought our night had begun. We were wrong. Well, at least my night had not begun. Bart went to sleep.

You know how sometimes roles in marriages work themselves out over the years? Well, my role is everything that happens after Bart gets in bed, unless it’s a severe emergency. So, last night, he slept. I didn’t.

First, Tony was out late with his PCA. Which would be no big deal if he didn’t insist on coming in and interrupting us in our bedroom THREE times. And then heading to Dominyk’s room to make him scream. So i got up to deal with all that.

Then Tony came back in to report that the boys had confiscate the TV and placed it in their bedroom to watch a movie without permission. Big infraction of the rules and of trust. I got up and deat with that.

Then I tried to relax and go to sleep and discovered that Salinda and her friend were out on the trampoline without permission. Not only so, but they were so loud they were keeping me awake. And the neighbors too. So I got up to deal with that.

And on my way to deal with that I discovered that Tony was missing from his room at 11:20 wandering around the house. So I dealt with that.

And then, finally, I calmed down enough to fall asleep around 11:50. Sigh.

Finally my night had begun.

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