Saturday, June 14, 2008

If I haven't blogged by 10:28, you know it's been a rough morning

Ick. Not a fun morning.

Our laundry is way backed up. Even with Mike repairing it, it still needs the Sears guy to come, which can't happen until Monday. It washes the clothes, but it doesn't spin them hard enough so the dryer takes extra time. I have 2 boys walking around in swimming trunks because there are no clean boxers.

Bart has a pedometer that needs a windows machine in order to upload the steps for a contest we're both in, but only he is truly in because my pedometer has not yet arrived. I had to do several things and then go to Kari's to upload his steps on her laptop. But even with my best effort, it didn't upload all of the steps that were listed and we're not sure why.

In the midst of doing that, I called to Salinda's friend's house to offer to come pick her up, only to find out that they were at a sporting event and she wasn't with them, meaning she hadn't spent the night there. I am waiting until after her trip to talk to her. She may have snuck in very late and spent the night here, but it wasn't in her bed because I woke up Sadie to go to the Y this morning and she wasn't there. Apparently the dog was having a fit around 3 a.m. ...

This was after a whole day yesterday of not being where she was supposed to be and having multiple conversations with me with promises that were not kept, which she of course, will not see as promises, simply as possibilities. To her, I'll be home to mow the lawn means "I'm thinking I might possibly consider being there to mow the lawn at somepoint today or tomorrow or the next day." To me it means TODAY.

So while Bart and the girls visit John, I will be here with everyone else and no PCAs for several hours. Maybe we'll go do something. Or maybe I'll just mess with the website or blog a lot or something easier.

We should shop for Father's Day. Maybe we'll go to the mall.

Can you tell I'm not very motivated? Lots of anxiety and stress trying to get this girl through the teenage years. I keep hearing from others that she's a typical teenage girl. If so, I hope not. Her therapist doesn't think so.

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