Friday, June 13, 2008

Most Boring Friday Night I can Remember

Bart and I headed out to celebrate our Anniversary, which is the same day as Father's Day this year, but he felt sick so we came home instead. And I have done virtually nothing. ;-)

I used to play a role playing game and would play on nights like this when I was listless or bored, but I've stopped playing so that wasn't an option. My eyes hurt because of allergies and my new bifocals, (i KNOW, amazing I'm so old). I couldn't focus on much. The kids have been listless and bored too. There hasn't even been enough fighting here to keep things exciting. No drama either (Salinda's at a friend's -- she's usually the queen of drama).

I'm ready to go to bed and have been for a while, but it's too early.

Could I sound more pathetic?

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