Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Internal Motivation

I've cut my inbox in half and am struggling my way through my Nalgene bottle (mother's day gift) of water. My throat still hurts and my to do list seems endless. Hard to stay motivated.

One of the things that I heard on my ADHD podcast is about how the part of the brain that is affected by ADD/ADHD/FASD is the part of the brain that affects monitoring emotions. It is what allows us to regulate how we feel as well as how to control it and keep some of those emotions to ourselves.

The podcaster pointed out that the word motivation comes from the same root word as emotion and thus if the brain cannot regulate and process emotion, it cannot self-motivate. I can't imagine how I would survive if that little voice in my brain wasn't continuously saying, "OK, now, time to get moving." The podcasters who both have ADD talk about how hard it is to even get motivated to get up when the part of the brain that tells you all the reasons why you should isn't working.

So even though I'm not getting as much accomplished as I had hoped, I'm at least happy to have the part of my brain functioning that tells me I should be!

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