Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Taxi Driving and Lunch Plans

Would it hurt to smile when you get in the van? Say, "Hi Mom" when I interrupt my schedule to come to get you. Would it hurt to have pleasant conversation or maybe even just a "thank you" when I drop you off? Would it really kill you to do so?

I have been spending hours of my days transporting children hither and yon (whatever that means) and sometimes it can be very fun. But sometimes it is just plain awful when the kids are so ungrateful and rude. The girls are the biggest offenders in this area, most likely because boys forget that they are supposed to hate their mothers.

OK, enough of my whining. Here are some good things to report:

1) The washer repair guy and the parts he ordered are actually both here at the same time. And that is good thing.

2) Leon and JImmy have been gone several days on the missions trip and we haven't gotten any calls.

3) Dominyk has been riding the bus to summer school and attending summer school without a PCA for a week and a half. We haven't gotten a single call.

4) Our PCA schedule seems to be working well this summer. Tony especially responds fairly well to his new male PCA who doesn't put up with his crap. It's fun to watch Tony actually be respectful.

5) Rand is working still. At least 24 hours a week. And taking a summer school class which he has no idea how he will pay for, but ooops, this is a good news list so I'll drop that.

6) Salinda is babysitting this morning and spending a lot of time not breaking rules but not being home. This seems to be a good solution for us and for her.

7) Sadie is staying close to home this summer and for the most part is doing very very well. Not having much contact with negative friends or her older sister and she's blossoming. She's also spending a great deal of time with me which I have enjoyed.

8) I have lunch plans with a very fun person today. And I'm excited about that.

9) I have a lot of friends online and through my blogs that keep me going all day long with blog comments and emails. I don't take them for granted.

10) My husband has been able to work from home a lot this month because he didn't take enough vacation time last month. Having him here always makes everything better.

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