Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Long but Good Day is not Near Over

Church this morning with Pat, his mother, Bart and our editor. Afterwards, Pat's mother and his pastor, wife, and grandson joined us for breakfast at a diner near the church, which was tasty. Then Bart and I met with the editor who asked lots of tough questions and presented a ton of work that was going to have to be done over the next few months. He believes that the book can actually be done by April 1st. The amount of work between now and then is just staggering, But I have learned something over the past several months about big projects from my weight loss journey. You have to take one step at a time. And so I am going to try to do that and if I can discipline myself see the results at the end of six months.

There are a lots of things that can be done -- lots of big ideas to dream about -- but I need to just take them one step at a time.... and eventually, they will come to pass.

Bart and I are leaving with Pat in 30 minutes where Bart is going to be interviewed for his radio show. You may be able to hear it tonight, I'm not sure. We're taping it at 8:00 EASTERN TIME and you can click here and then hit Listen Live. Hopefully it will work. if not, you can catch it archived later in the week.

I've told him Bart I will sit quietly and look at him adoringly.

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