Monday, July 28, 2008

So Little Blog Time this weekend

Plenty has happened but I have spent such limited time at the computer that I haven't had time to blog much. It isn't because there wasn't plenty to blog about, but because I really didn't have the time.

Bart did a great job on the radio show last night. His voice is perfect for radio -- he shoulda been a DJ. As soon as I know that it is online, I'll provide the link.

One of the things that always strikes me about being around Pat's staff is that they truly understand the dynamic of these children. He only hires people who have either been in foster care themselves or who have been foster or adoptive parents of teenagers. Thus they have a better understanding than most. I wrote about this when i was here last in a series about the making of a great agency that you can find in the December 2006 archives that also tell more about Pat and our trip here before. But this particular entry refers to those hiring principles.

Sitting in a room with all these incredible people with such variety of experiences is a very cool place to be. Whether I'm "training them" or not, I always learn from them. They have had experiences that Bart and I have not yet had, including parenting GLBTQ kids with multiple issues that were adopted as old as the age of 18 (in New York State subsidy goes to 21).

I have a few more things to write about all this, but now I'm going to shower and get ready. We're having breakfast with Pat in 30 minutes....

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