Thursday, July 17, 2008

Emancipation Day

Today is John's emancipation day. He turns 18 today. That means that from now on, legally, I can't tell him what to do. And legally he's not our responsibility any more. Emotionally we are, and we will always be his parents, but we will no longer be held accountable with him for his mistakes.

I'm not sure he's feeling very good about this milestone. He knows he is not ready to be an adult (which is why he is in a group home) and when I called to wish him a happy birthday this morning he said he wasn't excited about being an adult.

I on the other hand am experiencing some happy thoughts. We have raised him to adulthood. He is alive. We are too. And the next time that something happens, if there is a next time, he will face the consequences alone.

He is our fourth child to reach 18. Only 8 more to go.

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