Thursday, July 17, 2008

Anybody want to join me in ragging on Sears?

The washer still isn't fixed. The parts which they told us would be shipped on July 6th are backordered. WOn't ship until tomorrow or so they say ... and not arrive until the 25th. What is this 4 weeks? 5? I'm losing track.

Getting the service agreement/warranty with sears is actually costing us money instead of saving it. We now have spent probably enough at the laundromat to have purchased a whole new washer.

Every time I think about this, it makes my blood boil. Kind of like the ferret. But now the ferret is gone. The washer, however, is not. It is still here. And it still doesn't work. And tomorrow I'm going to have to go back to the laundromat.


  1. And this is why I stopped buying appliances from Sears....The last Sears washer I had 25 years ago. When it needed to be repaired, I went to the Sears store. As I was giving them directions to my house in the country, the girl stopped typing and stared off totally disinterested. Surprise...they never showed up! The same is true with my Sears vacuums and I finally got wise to the fact that every time I took the vacuum in, it had a different problem within a month. I feel for you with the laundromat - hope things are resolved soon. Leesa

  2. I won't buy from Sears either. They make crummy appliances that break, and their repair people stink. I have a friend going through a similar tale of woe with her dryer, and between you and her, I've realized that Sears no longer cares about quality or customer service.

  3. I had to laugh because I had just hung up on a customer service rep from Sears and decided to read blogs to calm myself down, when I read this post!

    My dryer had an error code and no one at Sears could tell me what it meant. They kept telling me to call someone else and I finally yelled at some poor man in India. It is so unlike me to yell at customer service people, but I was so frustrated.

    I have always used Sears appliances because they last so long. Now they just suck!

    Hope your dryer is fixed soon and mine, too!
