Monday, July 14, 2008

late breakin news

Salinda's probation officer called. There will be no detention hearing. The P.O. does not want to add to her probation. She does want to spend forty minutes alone with her in the car and have some conversation with her. They should arrive here between two and three. Hopefully she'll have a good transition, but if not, we'll just take her back in, love her the best we can, and prepare for another round. Apparently she tested positive for marijuana, but I'm not surprised.

The relief of not having court is very welcome news.

And Dominyk was supposed to have lab work done this morning -- fasting lab work. Bart and I both reminded him over and over again not to eat. But he forgot.

So now I have to make two trips the clinic in the next ten days instead of one. Sigh.

And Jimmy did not get the job. Apparently people are concerned that he would not be trainable to get the job done if the answer to every interview question is, 'HUH?"

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