Monday, July 14, 2008

One More Piece of Information before I Leave for a While

Bart and I are thrilled (OK, Bart may not be thrilled -- that's a pretty extreme emotion for a guy who lives in moderation) that we have found someone who is interested in editing our book. He is actually living near New York City right now and is going to meet with us in 2 weeks when we are there on our trip.

We like his work, he is not charging anything upfront, and he sees great potential in the book. He also sees great potential for future books and since he is excited he will push me to work on it consistently. I have a feeling that I am going to be very difficult to work with, but he says he has worked with people more difficult than I, so I guess we'll see.

But the good news is that hopefully we are really going to get moving on this project, and we need someone to push us. now I have to be pushable. Good luck on that one, says the peanut gallery.

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