Friday, July 25, 2008

Long long day yesterday

Wow. yesterday was a great day but quite a marathon. We got up at four, as you know, were at he airport by 5:30, and into NYC by 11. We drove straight to Long Island, which is quite a lengthy ride from JFK if you know NYC. We were then interviewed for the television program, which, when it airs, you can watch streaming live on the internet, so I"ll give you the link at that time.

By the time we were done there it was almost 2:30 and Pat decided we should head straight to Manhattan to get tickets for a Broadway show and have dinner. So, even though we had not had lunch, in order to avoid lots of traffic, we went with the plan. It was a long time to go without food, but it was worth it as we got tickets and had a nice leisurely Italian dinner, complete with one dessert that we shared between the three of us.

The play that we saw was called "Title of Show" and we all enjoyed it quite a bit.

But it made for a very long day. We didn't get to the apartment until about 11 p.m. I'll blog more later. We're going to breakfast.

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