Friday, July 25, 2008

More About the Play

I shamelessly stole this photo of their website.

We went to see [title of show] last night which is a play about a couple of guys who are writing a play about a couple of guys who are writing a play. It had lots of good stuff in it...humor, good music... and a message about never giving up on your dreams.

My favorite song from the movie is called "9 People's Favorite Thing." I can't find the lyrics but the message is this:

I'd rather be 9 people's favorite thing, than 100 people's 9th favorite thing.

The whole song is about being unique and true to yourself and hoping that if you do something that you in your heart feel is quality and expression of you, then the rest takes care of itself.

The play was a good message for me as we get ready to make this book we're writing a reality. Tomorrow we meet with the potential editor and if this is a go, my work is cut out for me.

But i need to .... i want to... get it done. And I want to focus on making it significant for a small audience other than focusing on marketing ability or making money. It's my gift to waiting parents or people in the process.... and I hope it becomes one of their favorite things.

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