Monday, July 21, 2008

Moods and Weirdness

Well, I confirmed the story. Apparently Salinda was not feeling well on Friday night and wanted to come home. I confirmed it with her friend and her friend's mom. And she has been home ever since. She's at work crew right now. She has been compliant and appropriate and that always makes me feel a bit suspicious and odd, which I don't like feeling. You'd think I could enjoy the times when things are well, but I just keep waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Anybody else get that way with their kids?

I have a meeting about John this morning that is at his group home. It will be a 7 hour chunk from my day and while I don't mind, it is requiring a great deal of planning and logistics to get the day planned.

My trip to the Y and my weekly weigh in really made me mad today so I'm recovering from that now.

time is speeding by. Better get the things done that I have to get done. Won't be posting much today.


  1. Yes, Claudia, I know exactly how you feel! I am almost just as stressed when my "challenging" kids are going through an easy spell because I know that everything can and WILL change in a moment. The longer the easy spell lasts, the more nervous I get. I try to tell myself to enjoy it while it does last, but I haven't found a way to do that yet. Good luck!


  2. It dawned on me - Salinda wanted to come home when she felt well. That's a positive to hold onto. A lot of RAD's won't do that... they'd rather treat themselves where they are than come home for help when they are sick (I know mine will) so Salinda chosing to come home in the middle of the night was a great sign...
    Hang onto that positive when she's pushing your button...
    Really - hang on...
