Sunday, July 20, 2008

Very Tired Now

I was very wound up when Mike and Kari and kids and nephews came over for supper. It didn't help that the first thing that happened is that Mike lifted his shirt to show me his sunburn, and I pretended to lift my shirt to flash him, and Kari lunged across the room and grabbed my shirt, pulling it down, I thought I was going to die laughing. The look on her face was priceless. For a split second she really believed I was going to do it, which of course she rationally knows I never would, but it was so funny....

I also had a very long argument/discussion with kari's nephew about his celebrity pals and whether or not they should cease to exist that was very very funny.

Ordering pizza was an adventure in and of itself, with me entertaining the guy at the Pizza place as well as people in our room. Can you guess the difference between G, PG, PG-13, and R rated pizzas?

Then Mike, Kari and I were trying to explain what a thimble was to Kari's nephew and Jimmy helped us explain. You know, a THIN BALL.

Anyway, guess you had to be there. But I laughed until I almost cried several times.

Good stress relief. But I was exhausted by the time it was over.

now I have to try and get these kids calmed down. have two extra girls here tonight...

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