Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not a Bad 12 Hours or If you Believe it, Live it

We had a nice trip today. Left at 5:30. Took 6 kids with me. They were well behaved for the most part, though Dominyk has such a low tolerance threshold. Amazing how easily annoyed he is.

We were on time to both games and the team won both games. Ricardo scored a goal in each game as well and played two of the best games he's ever played. I was very proud of him.

Here's the sad part.... the district championship game is tomorrow morning at 9:45. Right in the middle of church and it's an hour away. Our family policy is that we don't miss church for sports, so Ricardo won't be playing. It was very nice that a couple of parents took time to tell us that they applauded our decision. One of them said, "You won't find any of the parents on this team that don't believe in putting church first."

I wanted to say, "And yet all of your sons will be here instead of church tomorrow." But I didn't.

If all of the parents really believed that, and refused to bring their sons to games on Sundays, then nobody would get away with scheduling them.

But Ricardo gets it. He doesn't argue and he doesn't complain. God is more important than soccer. And it isn't really that I believe that if you miss one sunday of church it's the end of the world. But it is the principle of the thing. If we say that our faith is more important than sports, then it has to be lived out. If we say we believe something we need to live it, and we need to convince our parents of that as well.

It's just sad for the team that they scheduled the tame on Sunday morning, because he really is a very very good player.

1 comment:

  1. Our sporty daughter (not Kari!) was in basketball in high school. The coach was a "win at all costs" type of coach, and he had long practices. During Advent and an early Lenten season, he would run practice until 7:30. We had services at 7:00 and we did not allow our daughter to skip church for practice. Finally coach had about enough of her begging off early so she could make church, and he told her she had better get her priorities straight. She looked him in the eye and said "I have my priorities straight" and she walked off the court. Didn't get much playing time after that! And I only wish she had those same priorities now!

    Blessings, Marge
