Sunday, July 20, 2008

Parting Words

I got up early this morning to take Tony to camp. He is such a difficult child. He was attempting to be cooperative for part of the morning. But he decided on the way for me to drop him off to let me know that when Rand took them swimming last night, that Tony's refusal to do what he said caused Rand to have such a loud obnoxious fit that the police were called by some other adult. Rand had instructed Tony to not tell me about it.

Well, the conversation did not go well as Tony was unable to accept any responsibility for any part of the episode last night and my frustration escalated him into a cussing screaming frenzy and I wasn't doing that much better myself.

By the time we got to camp he had calmed down a little bit and we got out of the van and talked to the Troop Leader and everything was fine. He let me hug him goodbye and tell him I loved him.. But then he had one final request that I didn't think was necessary. And when I told him no, he leaned in to the van and whispered "fat whore."

Lovely parting words. I guess that it's a good thing that if I somehow died between now and then he wouldn't have to carry them to his grave knowing it was the last thing he said to me, because if you asked him right now what he said to me this morning, he couldn't tell you.

Ahhhh the joys....

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    How do you do it? I have 8 children -- 4 adopted -- and only 1 of them is RAD/PTSD -- just when I think I can't take any more of her behavior, I read your blog and realize "Well, at least she's never said anything like THAT to me!" LOL It helps me to be grateful for the moment. But, seriously, how do you not let stuff like that upset you? I greatly admire you and probably could learn so much from you... I take things too personally and allow stuff to get under my skin. I'm sorry your son said that to you. Know that one reader out there thinks you're pretty cool!

