Monday, July 14, 2008

Not Looking Forward Today

I confess. I'm not looking forward to the day. Do not click over here to check out my weigh loss or lack thereof unless you want to read a whole lot of crabby.

This morning I have a visit with the Dietician to talk about Dominyk's weight gain. I am going to walk in there, all 250+ pounds of me and try to convince her that we really do know HOW to eat healthy. He just takes food when we're not looking. And she's going to look at me and in her little skinny head she's going to say, "RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT". And I'm going to be crabby. It is not like intellectually I do not know what he needs to eat. I just think it would cause a ton of resentment not to have anything in the house that the other kids like (the psychiatrists recommendation -- no fattening foods available in the house for anyone). So anyway, you can imagine how excited I am about this appointment.

Then some time today there will be court with Salinda. I do not think she would be comfortable with me reading the books I bought. My plan is to simply stick them both in her purse with to Salinda,love, MOm and the date in each of them. I think the books speak for themselves.

I never enjoy court or what happens afterwards. But maybe her spirit will be different this time. Or maybe it won't.

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