Sunday, July 13, 2008

Running here and there

Taxi driver is my main occupation these days. Spent the day running here and there taking people where they needed to go. Will need to do some more of that later.

I went to Barnes and Noble this afternoon and bought Salinda a couple of books. One of them, suggested by Process in this comment, is Runaway Bunny, and the other is "I'll Love You Forever."

It is my intention to make her favorite meal tomorrow night (sound like the prodigal son) and write her a short note that goes with the books.

And we'll see how it goes. Assuming they let her come home after court, which at this point is the P.O.'s recommendation.


  1. You picked two excellent books to give Salinda. Love both of them! Maybe that is the way to reach her favorite meal can't hurt! Thinking of you!


  2. Would she let you read them to her?

  3. We have these books and haven't had them out for years. Thank you for the idea. I am going to try the same thing with my daughter.

  4. Oh man! "I'll Love You Forever" will make you, her, me, everyone cry everytime! That is such a sweet book!
