Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday morning once again

Within just a few minutes I will be waking children up and preparing for church once again. Bart has already left with two of them, and the other six who are home will be leaving with me.

After church I will call Ricardo's soccer coach. If they are playing in the championship game, some of us will leave and head up there to take him to the game and watch him play. Much to the disappointment of his teammates, Ricardo does not play in Sunday morning games. They are starting a game now that he is missing.

If they are not in the championship game, then we will all have lunch together and the day will be spent doing things like laundry (still at the laundromat) and possibly the Wii Fit. The kids are getting a big kick out of it and it is fun to see them enjoying fitness.

Tomorrow there will be court for Salinda. I am thinking of approaching things a little differently this time based on her comments yesterday. Will provide more details as I formulate the plan.

If it serves as nothing more, it can be an experiment in which I report to you the results. Maybe if it doesn't work with her, it will work for someone else. Or at least keep you from trying it for nothing. ;-)

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