Sunday, July 13, 2008


We are waiting for Bart to finish teaching Sunday School and Dominyk is having a meltdown. He wants to go out to lunch now. Not in a half hour Not in 20 minutes. Nor in 10, but now.

He has asked me what time it is 30 times in 40 minutes. He pushes and pushes until I get angry or frustrated and then cries because I do.

I'm not sure how to stop him or get him off the subject ...

So I just sit.

And listen.

And try not to scream.


  1. I love it. My daughter and my son-on-the-way do this incessant chatter and question-asking. We got a hand-held voice recorder and record our answer to the question and replay it every time they ask. Super fun. Another thing I like to do is ask the question back...over..and over...and over...and over...and over :) It is fun, too. It actually works with my daughter. She still does it but quits when we get just as annoying as she does. She, on the other hand, does not get upset over our annoyingness.

  2. Somedays I feel like a po bottle being shook with all the repeat ?'s I think today from 6 am to 1:30 he asked the same one every 15 minutes...

  3. Tis is where working in daycare for almost 20 years comes in handy. . . I can tune out just about anything! He asks and asks and I refuse to answer. He gets the picture eventually and walks away . . . usually to start in on dad . . . VICTORY!
