Thursday, July 17, 2008

What's Happening at the Fletchers this morning?

Well, Salinda left last night after being home for 54 straight hours without being grounded, which is probably the longest she's been home in a stretch in months if not years. She was pleasant 95% of the time she was here. She spent the night at a friend's last night but was back here by 9 this morning.

Dominyk and Sadie are at school. Everyone else is here and very quiet. It's odd.

Today is John's birthday and we are leaving to go see him at about 2:00. Somewhere in there I'm supposed to take Tony shopping for stuff for boyscout camp, Sadie to the store for odds and ends, and Salinda for a haircut and it's already 10:20.

Still have several of yesterdays calls to make, though half of those are done.

Guess I should get busy...

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