Sunday, August 10, 2008


Spent the evening at Mike and Kari's having supper in their backyard with a couple of my blog readers. It's a little scary when your family walks somewhere and a stranger can identify each of the kids by name.

We had a good time ... laughing and sharing stories.

Now we're back home and we have 5 kids at youth group. Bart is doing something at the church and I'm home working on a logo for our book publicity stuff.


  1. Sorry to unnerve you Claudia. We have enjoyed following your family since Kari introduced us to her blog, and really appreciated the chance to meet and talk with you.

  2. Oh, Unnerved is my middle name.

    your unnerving was certainly not much on the Unnerving Spectrum.... compared to the rest of my life.

    At least I'm not Dominyk and bored, bored, bored bored bored.

  3. ;-) That was certainly an eye-opener, and helped me understand some of what you see (and are driven nuts by) on a daily basis. But when I thought about it, I also saw how bonded he is to you, and how when confronted with new people, and many options for entertainment, he wanted to be next to you.

    I'm just waiting for the day when my husband decides to annoy me by telling me he's bored, bored, bored.... he'll do it, too!
