Monday, August 11, 2008

Starting the Day Well Again

Had probably the best workout ever at the Y from 5:30 to 6:30 this morning. Weighed in as well. Click here for that report. Came home to shower and then spent some time working on the book. Now i'm hitting email.

Salinda started Tennis practice this morning and will have two practices a day this week. Hopefully that will keep her busy.

Ricardo starts soccer today. Tryouts this week to determine Varsity, JV or C Squad.

Kyle had a job interview this morning for a teaching job. Said it went well and he should know today. Fingers and toes crossed. He really needs to start teaching. He's very gifted but I'm afraid if he doesn't get a job right away he might lose focus.

Rand has full time hours scheduled for this week at Hy Vee. It looks like he may be taking a year off of school this year until he saves some money.

Tony is still at Bart's mom's and is having a great time. We are enjoying a short break from the stress he brings to our family system. She has him working hard up there, hopefully he'll come home a little more mellow.

Sadie was up at 5:30 to go to the Y with me. Always fun having her along.

Everyone else is pretty mellow lately. Lots of PCA hours for Dominyk are helping his summer go fast....

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