Monday, August 25, 2008

More Company News

Here is the new company logo.

One person said it looked like a star trek badge.

But when one of my first responses to the newsletter (which you haven't gotten if you didn't sign up) was:

I DO like that you showcase a piece of pepperoni/deluxe pizza on your new blog.

So, I responded to her with this:

Pepperoni PIzza? That's your idea of my logo?

ANd here it is so full of meaning-- The triangle -- symbol of adoption -- birth parents, adoptive parents, adoptee... three sides....

three different levels of parenting are shown in the logo, increasing in intensity and going deeper and getting more pointed as they go -- could be parenting, foster parenting, adoptive parenting ....


adoptive parenting
parenting adopted kids with special needs

parenting kids with special needs
parenting adopted kids with special needs

and each of the circles in the triangle -- no, not pepperonis, but individual children, all twelve of them, same and yet unique.

Pepperoni pizza slice. Sigh.

So now you know about the logo.

Also, just so you know, it's never too late to sign up for the newsletter list. I will be building the list for a long time. And, since several are responding later, will send out this week's edition later tonight while it is still August 25th, since it is dated.

So if you want to be included, email me.


  1. Ha ha I was thinking it was a funky art slice of pizza! I liked it! Even if it is a deep meaning logo, I still think it's cool.

  2. Don't you always celebrate finalizing your adoptions by going out for pizza? :)

  3. grrrr.

    The latest idea? An upside down food pyramid.

