Monday, August 25, 2008

Several Things

I went to bed discouraged. Bart has been discouraged and blogged about that journey here. There were a couple setbacks with the book last night that were discouraging. Salinda went to church for youth group but then refused to enter the room. We are struggling as to the value of forcing kids to do something that is supposed to be fun if they hate it and make it miserable for others there. But then, if we don't make it a family value, can anyone just choose not to go regardless of their age? Questions we have to ask ourselves and we haven't come to a conclusion.

I woke up, however, and went to the Y and you just can't have a bad day if you lose weight. So, I'm feeling a bit better this morning....

And I'm getting ready to send out our first email newsletter out for our new company today. If you have emailed me privately before, you may eventually get on the list without asking to be (and then have to ask to be taken off of it). But to be sure you're on the list you'll want to email me before 2:00 p.m. Central Time or you'll miss out on the first issue.

The goal is for the newsletter to be at least weekly and for it to announce two or three things going on with the company as well as to feature a different blog and a different website each week. A quote or two will be included as well.

So, by 2 p.m. Central Time..... send me an email so you don't miss out.

And if you would like to have your blog or your website featured at some point, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you could, in theory, force a teenager to attend church. In practice, however, that might not work even with a child. You can never, never make somebody believe in God.
