Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My 4000th Post - Support Group Cancelled

I happened to notice when I signed on this morning that this is post #4000. Wow, that's a lot of posting. I started the blog 3 and a half years ago so my math tells me I have averaged 3.13 posts a day. That's an incredible amount of posting. I'm not even going to ask my readers how many of the 4000 posts you have found worth reading.....

I suppose I should be doing something amazing to celebrate this accomplishment, but instead I am going to report that Bart is sick this morning and I'm out of town so our Spiritually Supported Adoption Support Group is cancelled for today.

Pretty typical of me, huh?

I slept well (because I need to report that every day too) and now have a few hours (interrupted by my hair cut) to work before I meet a friend to have lunch on the way home. And then we begin 5 days without school as I prepare to leave for another trip. I still have one more powerpoint to prepare and want to do a couple videos..... but we'll see how much time I have.

It's nice when getting ready for my day means only me getting ready -- a nice change.

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