Monday, January 19, 2009

No School Again and Right Now I'm Glad

The first two mornings of days with no school are quite nice, thank you very much. I am not missing the morning routine and the drive today. I have been quite sick of it since we went to two vehicles. If it weren't for our neighbors we couldn't manage it, but with their help I can do all the driving without asking Bart to give up some of the most productive hours of his day. So I leave here at 7:30 and I arrive home between 8:10 and 8:20 depending on road conditions and traffic.

This morning however, I was at my desk a little after 7 and everyone is still asleep. So for the next two hours or so I will be grateful that there is no school today....

I spent the weekend working on a couple projects, one of which is a movie to promote the book that we wrote that is in the editing process. I have a friend who has agreed to write the background music so I will wait to show it to you when it is completely done, but my part basically is. I'm excited about it.

Bart has some plans for a family MLK Jr. Day family project and I have much to do today, including scheduling all my visits for the next three weeks as next week I'm heading south...

Better jump into that email box. It's actually under 100 and I don't think many people are working today which means it won't be filling up.

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