Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Happened to Us?

I have been enjoying Facebook and reconnecting with folks from college that I haven't seen in over 20 years. But every time that I add a new friend and look through their pictures I ask myself, "what happened to us?" All those skinny guys with six packs and fulls heads of hair are at best a little saggy and at worst .... well, let's say overweight. And bald. And the women? Our faces look so much older .. well except for a few who are just unnatural -- you know who you are -- those people who have always been beautiful and always will be with the perfect metabolism and faces and bodies that don't age and hair that doesn't fall out.

And most of us have teenagers, college students, or young adults and some of us are grandparents already Our lives have taken twists and turns that nobody expected and here we are.

But inside I don't feel any different than I did when I was 25 -- I forget that I"m 45 most of the time when I'm not looking in a mirror -- sure, I'm older, I'm wiser, I have a different perspective of life.

But really, I'm just the same girl. I wonder if I'll feel the same when I'm 80.

Reminds me of this song by Twila Paris that I have thought of often since it came out in 1992:

Same Girl

“Same Girl”

“Picture with me if you can a little girl in a younger land
Running, playing, laughing growing stronger.
Now the aging limbs have failed and the rosy cheeks are paled
Look behind the lines till you remember.

She’s still the same girl flying down the hill.
She’s still the same girl memories vivid still.
Listen to her story, and her eyes will glow.
She’s still the same girl, and she needs you so.

Picture with me if you will a long white dress and a wedding veil
Two young dreamers pledge their love together.
Now her lifelong friend is gone, and she spends her days alone.
Look behind the lines till you remember.

She’s still the same girl walking down the aisle.
She’s still the same girl with the shining smile.
Listen to her story, and her eyes will glow.
She’s still the same girl – same girl.

She’s still the same girl wiser for the years.
She’s still the same girl stronger for the tears.
Listen to her story, and your heart will grow.
She’s still the same girl, and we need her so.

She’s still the same girl, and she needs you so.”


  1. I feel the same way.

    I don't LOOK the same as I used to, but I feel the same.

  2. I feel the same way.

    I don't LOOK the same as I used to, but I feel the same.

  3. I hear ya Claudia,
    I sure dont feel like I am 44 soon to be 45 LOL
    I remember asking my mother, when I was young, what does it feel like to be "old". She was 40 something back then and her answer was she didnt feel any older then 21. So, I guess we will feel 25 when we are 80. Thanks for sharing. As always.. you brighten my day.

  4. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I feel the same -- in my MIND I'm 20-something, but my body doesn't always agree!
