Thursday, February 12, 2009

6,000 Steps at the Mall

I took the girls, Ricardo and Leon to the Mall tonight. I hate the mall. But we had to get soccer uniforms ordered and do some Valentine's Day shopping.

We finished the marathon that took 2 full hours and I said, 'you guys know how many steps we walked tonight? 6,000!"

Salinda said, "You counted them?"

I explained the concept of a pedometer.


Mike, of Mike and Kari fame, has been ripping our bathroom apart all day long. We had his family over for supper to join him tonigh and kari made delicious barbeque. I asked him when I might be able to use the "good shower" and he said maybe by Sunday. So I announced at the table tonight that I might have to resort to showering at the Y in the morning. We discussed that in some detail to which I believe sweet dear Mike responded, "Hey, we're trying to eat here."

I told the kids that I probably better not mention to you all that I would be at the YMCA naked in the locker room at 6 in the morning because you might travel across the country to see me naked.

They are such doubters. They simply said, "Ewwwww."

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