Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pacing Myself

I think that one of the most important things that I do is to pace myself emotionally. I have learned the art of making decisions about how I spend my emotional energy, knowing where to go to get some, and how to spend it wisely. I literally can choose when to obsess about somethings (though sometimes there are still a few things that plague me).

For example, this week is an easy week. Dominyk, Jimmy, Sadie, Wilson and Leon (and invisible MIke) are the only ones home. I am taking time to recharge, do a few of the things I like to do at the computer, focus on bigger projects at work, and relax a bit more emotionally and mentally. I know that the next few weeks will be stressful ones with the wedding coming up, and Tony and Rand both returning home -- Tony for the rest of the summer, and Rand for a week. Bart is going to be out of town. So it will require more time and energy on my part.

Starting the day with a workout makes every but it is also about knowing when it is time to recharge and store up emotional energy.

Anyone else do this?

1 comment:

  1. All the time- unless it is one of those times I can't manage it :)
