Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Parenting an Easy Child

I had meetings with my boss this morning which I left to give Leon a ride to his wrestling event at the high school. He could tell I was frazzled and I told him I was ready to take him. I asked if he got done at 4, and he said, "Nope, three." I told him I would go ahead and fix my schedule so that I could pick him up at three. The school is 1.7 miles from home, there are no working bikes, and I feel like if it is school or sports related I should be availble to take him. Bart a

I dropped him off about 1:40 and at 1:50 we had this text conversation. If you had met several of my other uncompromising, unyielding, oppositional, never-satisfied children you would understand why this particular conversation made me smile.

"Well open mat is canceled so I'll just walk home."

"Are you sure?"

Yes. I just texted one of my teammates.

I meant are you sure you can walk.

Of course, I got legs mom.

Thanks, I really love you.

I love you too mom.


  1. What a great kid!

  2. Ah! You deserve that! What a great kid!

  3. Awwwwww!! Sweet!

  4. not trying to MAKE you read my stuff, but I just posted about this type of thing today: the toll our unchallenged children face

    that said (read or don't read, i just thought it was interesting that our minds were thinking alike today), It is EXCEEDINGLY refreshing to parent unchallenged children. It just makes me want to knock WG down with hugs and kisses every time she does something "normal"

  5. Very Cool! Has to be refreshing!
